Our family is so excited about heading to Camp Pallatanga in Ecuador!
We are in the throws of getting organized . . . its a bit overwhelming, so we appreciate your prayers! One Mission Society (OMS) is doing a fantastic job of organizing all kinds of details for us: like cross-cultural training, language training, securing visas, prayer support, and communicating with those already in Ecuador.
We've been preparing to sell our house. Organizing home-schooling details. Finding a year-long dog sitter. Beginning to learn Spanish. And now we want to try to get organized to correspond with friends and family while we are away!!!!
Will we have internet in Ecuador? We hope so. It sounds like Camp Pallatanga has dial-up wireless internet, that reportedly works best from the end of the driveway.
We have lots of dreams and ideas about our year away. We also have lots of questions about the upcoming year. So we'll keep you posted.
Our plan is to leave this July, 2011, and return next July, 2012.